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Meet your
Eewneek Maker

Nicholl grew up in southern Ontario where she explored her neighbourhood forest, whittled wood, knit scarves, sewed clothing and did brake jobs on her Plymouth Horizon. She is not stranger to getting her hands dirty and thrives on creating. A down-home and true; Thinker. Doer. Designer.

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My Story

Since childhood, I have been curious. Curious how things are made. What makes things work? What makes things strong? What makes things different? What makes things unique, and how can I make it my own?

My mother taught me to sew and knit and bake. My father taught me woodwork and mechanics. My parents taught me patience... I am feeling a little like Little House on the Prairie :) But seriously, my curiosity has grown into my adulthood and the World is my playground. It is full of beautiful, natural, raw ingredients that I honour in my creations!

My beadwork jewellery stems from an adolescent fascination with their beauty and intricacy and it taps into my Native Canadian (Algonquin) heritage. My resin and wood jewellery is made using tools handed down to me from my father. Nostalgic? Yes! I am a Graphic Designer by trade, and Etsy has given me an outlet to share my "other creative side". It's freeing, really!

I hope you enjoy browsing the various items on my site! Rest assured they have been made with a deep-rooted devotion to quality, originality and "love".

Thanks for listening to my story.



Do you have a special project you'd like help with? I love custom work! Let's connect and turn your idea into something Eewneek.

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